Sunday, August 24, 2008

Light! It's been since February since I last posted on this thing! Talk about being a slacker! Bad Christy! LOL.

Anyhoo, here is a very quick update on whats been going on. My boyfriend John proposed to me on my birthday (two days after my most recent post) and I accepted. In May we moved into our own place and I started working in a new town but the same job. And thats as brief as it gets.

I have been writing more poetry though which I wanted to share with you all. Now keep in mind, both of these poems are first drafts only and have yet to be edited. I hope you enjoy them.

Heart's Desire

Inside one world I am logic reborn.
I do only that which is reasonable,
My heart's desire knows no place.
It is dead like a corpse,
rotting 'neath the ground.
I play by the rules,
do as I'm told,
never live only for me.

I am lost in a maze that is
this world of logic,
where dangers lurk 'round corners
and hands of reason reach out for me.
Running! Running! As fast as I can.
Breathing heavily, searching, searching
for the exit; it eludes me.
Right or left, back the way I came?
Turning in circles, crying out for a way home.

There it is! An exit to the other world,
I crave, for to be free and let live
my heart's desire at long last.
There are no rules that love cannot conquer.
I know the way is to follow my heart's
every desire.
In my past, a distant memory,
I leave and lose myself in a
world oh so divine!

Christine L. Taplin
August 8th, 2008



Yearning. Longing for that which I cannot have.
A touch, a stolen kiss. I desire him evermore.
I must fill this longing within my soul,
I can be empty no longer. Light let it be so.
One day we will be together. Completeing,
each other, and making ourselves whole.
Until that day a yearning will fill my soul.

Christine L. Taplin
August 24th, 2008