Monday, February 11, 2008


Being sick is not very fun. I've been sick with something since the seventh. It started out that I was just feeling really weak and crappy, not to mention sore and very tired. Then it changed over to a cough and sore throat, which is what it still is. I know I shouldn't but I'm still going about my normal routine as much as possible. I can't let a little cold keep me down, not when its so darn hard to find a replacement for work. Plus, I've never been one to stay down for longer than need be or listen to a doctor. Haha! I'll be over it soon enough though and if not then I'll go ahead and go to the doc and get a prescription. But I always try to get rid of it on my own first. I hope I get rid of it quickly though as my birthday is coming up and I don't want to be sick on my birthday.

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