Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Busy Bee

My life is pretty hectic right now and very very stressful. By looking at my schedule, one would think, oh she isn't busy at all. But that really isn't the case. I may not have that many classes, but I still have lots to do. In two of my classes I have these giant research projects I have to do. And what stinks is that these two classes are the ones I have to have in order to graduate in May, so there is added pressure there. Then, for some silly reason I thought I should take a creative writing class. Big mistake as far as time comittment is concerned. I love the class, but there is just so much writing I have to do outside of class that it's crazy. Now add that to the research stuff and already I have a pretty big plate full of stuff. I'm not done yet though. For one of my classes I have to do 48 hours of volunteer work or I automatically fail the course. I haven't even started that yet. My computer class isn't so bad. It's really something I'm just doing for fun and thankfully it doesn't take up much of my time. So that's all class stuff. But then you have to add in life stuff too. You can't complete my schedule without throwing life in there! Haha! So for life stuff I have my job in the dinning hall. It's only about 8 to 10 hours a week, but that still takes up time for other things. Also I really hate the job so I'm looking for a different job while I keep this one until I find something else. I have to have the money coming in. I also have to renew my DL this month and so I have to study for that test. And later on down the road I have to worry about putting in applications for places to work after graduation and so much other stuff!


Talk about stress city. Oh great now it's time to go to classes! Whoever thought my last semester of college would be my busiest of all?!

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