Tuesday, February 22, 2005

New Friend, Work, and Wish List

I've made a new friend recently. Well she isn't a full friend yet. But she is cool and she is fun to hang out with. Her name is Traci and she's 17 and a freshman here at my school. We take Basic Helping Skills together and are in the same group for class. Because we have to do a lot of group work together, we've gotten to know each other pretty well and have discovered that there aren't too awful many differences between us. I think her and I will stay friends for awhile.

Not a lot else is going on. Just the typical school work, regular work, and the usual procrastinating. Hehe. Last week I worked an extra couple of hours to make up for not working on my birthday the week before. I worked an extra dish shift and it was at closing time. Man that stunk big time! I am never working closing dish again. Not to mention the other two dish people I was working with that night had some really foul language coming out of there mouth. Now granted, I use foul language sometimes myself, and I don't mind hearing it from time to time, it won't bother me. But these two were back and forth at each other all night. I think it was all in good fun but it did get to the point where I had to ask them to tone down their language because it was starting to become really offensive to me. Haha, they even got "talked to" by the head chef telling them not to do it because the customers could hear them.

One very exciting thing happened last week. I had made a wish list on Amazon.com of some books I've been wanting in hardback. And the next thing I know I'm recieving packaging slips in my mail box practically every night of last week. The first night there was four, then the second night there was three, and two days after that there was another one. 8 in all and all were books from my wish list! I figured out who sent at least three of them for sure and that's all thanks to packaging slips. But the others, I can figure out who sent them, so it's still a bit of a mystery. But it is a great mystery! I'm working on writing a thank you letter to the person that I figured out sent me three of them. I'm very greatful to have gotten all of these books. They are books from the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan and now I have all of the books except four of them. I'm still missing books 3, 7, 9, and 10 in hard back. But hey I'm happy so I'm not going to complain.

That's all for now. I got to get going to get some breakfast before class. You all take care now. :)

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