Wednesday, March 02, 2005


This semester really stinks. It's my last semester and its the most stressful of all. I missed a class the other day because I had gone to a blood drive to try and give blood and the teacher sent me an e-mail, which to me sounded very nasty and degrading. What irks me though is the fact that he even noticed I was gone. He has never noticed me before when I was in class, so why should he notice me when I'm not there?! Come on! Get a grip!

I'm just sick of school all together. I'm sick of the stress that comes with keeping up with readings for class and for doing assignments and writing papers. I'm sick of the worry about having and keeping a job just so I can pay for things I need while I'm here. I'm just ready to get the h e double hockey stick out of here. But wouldn't you know it, graduation is still another two and a half months away.

I've been so stressed out lately its not even funny. I've got all this school work to do, regular work, and practically no time for myself at all. To top it all off the days seem to be speeding by which in turn makes the week speed by. Granted, I should like the weeks going by fast because it just brings me closer and closer to graduation, but it feels like it cuts in on my time to work on stuff for class. It's like I want time to hurry so I can graduate, but at the same time I need it to slow down so I can get all this stupid work for classes done.

I've also been worrying a lot about my mom and about the rest of my family. My mom has been in the hospital lately because she has had some problems with her medications. We're hoping she'll get out this week, but I haven't heard anything yet. I wish that I could go home and stay with mom and take care of her and say to heck with school, but I'm so close to graduation that to do so would be pretty darn stupid.

To sum it all up, I'm stressed out, I am seriously hating school right now, and I'm worried about my mom and the rest of my family. Life and school really suck right now. Ok, that's my venting for the day. Later all.

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