Saturday, November 06, 2004

Success Begins with the First Step

Success. An interesting word that has multiple meanings. To some people it means being rich and famous, to others, success is seen as simply finishing school or starting a family. Regardless of what it means, it is something that everyone desires and strives for. I am just one of the many. The thing about success is that in order to achieve it, you've got to go after it. Success isn't just going to come to you. You have to take that first step along the path of many, in order to succeed at whatever it is you are trying to succeed at.

My journey for success started the day I was born and has changed often since that time. Some of my first successes were learning how to walk and talk to name a few. At the start of this semester I had several things I wanted to succeed at. I wanted to find a job, to do well in my classes, and to move on to my final semester so that I could graduate. I've been succeeding as far as my classes are concerned and did not receive any down slips at mid semester. And Monday I'll enroll for my classes in my final semester which will help me work on finishing up that path of success.

My path of success for finding a job though has been a constant struggle with many, many disappointments along the way. That though has thankfully changed recently. I applied for a job within the department that has my major and I found out yesterday that I got the job. I didn't think I would get it because I had been turned down for so many jobs earlier on in the semester. But I never gave up hope that I would eventually find a job. The job isn't what I ultimately want to do, it's just something to help me out for the time being. It only pays $5.15 an hour and it's only 4 to 8 hours a week. But it is a step in the right direction. With this job I can finally be able to pay for my car tags so that they don't expire. I might even get to go home for Thanksgiving without having to ask for someone to give me a ride. And once I pay for my car tags, all I'll have to do is save up the money for gas so that I can go home for Christmas break without having to ask my parents to come and get me. It will be nice to not have to rely on others so often. I really don't like doing that. And now that I have this job I have taken yet another step towards success. A step that though small, will help me reach my end goal.

So regardless of how you personally define success always keep in mind that to achieve it, success begins with the first step.

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